Statement according to Section 5 of the German Tele-Media Act (TMG)
HAHN Hahnkunstoffe GmbH
Gebäude 1027
55483 Hahn-Flughafen
Represented by
Stephan Seibel (Chairman)
Christian Schorr
Phone: +49 6543 98860
Fax: +49 6543 988699
Commercial Register
Registered under No HRB 31 34
Registry Court: Bad Kreuznach District Court
VAT Identification No.: Value added tax identification number according to Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act: DE 160 60 6666
Liability for Contents
The contents of our web pages have been compiled with the utmost care. However, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness and topicality of the contents. As a service provider and pursuant to Section 7, par. 1 TMG (German Tele-Media Act), we are responsible for our own contents on these pages in accordance with general law. According to Section 8 to 10 TMG, we as a service provider are neither obligated to monitor third party information provided or stored nor to search for circumstances that point to unlawful acts. Obligations to remove or block the use of information accodring to general laws remain unaffected by this provision. However, any liability in such an instance shall commence at the point in time we become aware of the respective infringement. On becoming aware of any violations we will remove such contents without delay. All rights reserved. Texts, pictures, graphics, sound, computer animation, and videos are subjected to copyright laws and other legal protection. The content of this website may not be copied, processes, or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Errors and changes reserved. Should these pages contain links to other websites on the internet, we do not have any influence on such external content. Therefore, we hereby explicitly dissociate ourselves from all contents of the linked pages. This statement applies to all links included in this site and to all contents of pages accessible by banners.
HAHN Kunstoffe GmbH 2016
The contents and works compiled on these pages by the site operator are subject to German copyright laws. Duplication, processing, distribution, and any form of commercialization beyond the limits of copyrightlaws shall require the written consent of the respective author or originator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. As far as contents on this site do not originate from the operator, third party copyright is observed. Third-party contents are particularly identified as such. Nevertheless, should you become aware of any copyright infringement, we ask you to notify us. On becoming aware of legal infringements, we will immediately remove such contents.