We look forward to your visit
HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH
Building 1027
55483 Hahn-Flughafen
T +49 6543 9886-0
F +49 6543 9886-99
GPS coordinates: 49°57'40.92" Nord (DG 49.961367) / 07°17'07.87" East (DG 7.285519)
From Cologne
A1/A61 direction Koblenz/Ludwigshafen until exit 45 Rheinböllen/Simmern
B 50 exit Sohren/Bärenbach
Turn right towards Bärenbach
After approx. 1 km behind Bärenbach, turn left in the wooded area (just before the B327 slip road)
After approx. 300 m you will reach the company premises of HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH
From Luxembourg/Trier
E44 direction Trier
A602 direction Schweich
A1 direction Saarbrücken/Mainz
Exit Mehring direction Mainz/Hahn
At Thalfang take the B327 in the direction of Hahn-Flughafen
At exit Büchenbeuren change to B50/E42
Exit Sohren/Bärenbach
Turn left towards Bärenbach
After approx. 1 km behind Bärenbach, turn left in the woods (just before the B327 slip road)
After approx. 300 m you will reach the company premises of HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH.
From Frankfurt/Bad Kreuznac
A3 direction Mainz until Mönchhof Dreieck
A67 until Rüsselsheimer Dreieck
A60 until motorway junction Bingen
A61 until exit Rheinböllen/Simmern
B50 exit Sohren/Bärenbach
Turn right towards Bärenbach
After approx. 1 km behind Bärenbach, turn left in the wooded area (just before the B327 slip road)
After approx. 300 m you will reach the company premises of HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH
Information for trucks
B50 exit Kirchberg direction Kappel
B327 At Kappel turn left onto the B327 towards Trier/Hermeskeil
Turn left towards Sohren/Bärenbach
After approx. 20 m turn right onto the airport grounds
After approx. 200 m turn left onto the company premises of HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH